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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Book of the Week

More like book of the decade...... Im currently reading "Born to Run" : A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes and the Greatest Race the World has Never Seen. by Christopher McDougall. Seriously, this book will change your entire outlook on running, exercise, pain and LIFE! Im not even a "runner" and I am totally engrossed in this book. A spectacular read......Take my word as I am not a big reader, however it is my resolution to pleasure read more. ok, get the book and we can discuss-


  1. Like the new pink back ground that other color just didnt work for me. As for this book I would love to read it but some body needs step thier 5 grade reading level up a notch and finish it.

    PS "Train HARD, Win EASY"

  2. took your word for it and requested it from the libaray! i'll let you know. im glad your sticking to the res

  3. i think my brother is read this book! is it the on where the people have to run a mile to eat? i heard it's intense and great inspiration!! i'm going to do as erica- thanks kathy baby
