My Life In Action.

To see more action videos....

Friday, February 26, 2010

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Check them out.... Passion Pit

Julia & Kath

I told myself that when I started this blog it wouldnt be another Julia&Julia food blog but it seems as though food has been a popular topic on my mind lately. On recent articles on "what makes a great blog" they suggest that you should have a focus and be passionate about your subject. So I will continue to post pictures of my dinner creations because I have become so fond of cooking. Hopefully some more "action" will come around soon...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Eat from the Earth!

Sunday Homemade Chili and Granola Bars!

Another one of Colin's adventures

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Morning Star...

So I took a risk today and let Colin make me lunch. He insisted on doing it "his" way and after arguing about me "micro-managing" his lunch making, I succumbed and let him do his magic. All I have to say is that if you want a POWER lunch, eat a Morning Star Veggie Burger. After bragging to my friend Julie, she suggest I snap a pic of it, unfortunately I had already finished. I know posting about lunch is silly, but seriously if something makes you feel so good, why not share it with my thousands of readers. MMmMmmm

Sunday, February 14, 2010

V Day

My friend Jue and I once wrote a song for Feb 14 ..... starting out with the lyric "February 14....IS the day of Loooooove". I know, deep. However, its a simple message and should still hold true. So express that love with whomever, maybe even your dog

Friday, February 12, 2010

"Flow & Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi"

I just read a great article about "Flow" from one of my PE professors...

The author noted that "a major constraint on people enjoying what they are doing is always being conscious of a fear of how they appear to others and what these others might think. Ecstacy includes rising above these constraining concerns of the ego."

Step outside of normal daily routines!

How does it feel to be in the Flow?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Craving for Hangar Wings....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Wintry Storm Ahead ....!

This isnt a weather blog, but I still get excited when there is a chance of a snow day....maybe because I am still a student,, and I apologize for those of you that still need to trek through the snow to the T or car or bike to go to work. Some people say wear your PJ's inside out or backwards or whatever. I say assume the day is off, put your homework aside and leave it up to mother nature. Pancakes and greek sausage for breakfast tomorrow yahooo

Saturday, February 6, 2010

In the words of Joe Lauzon....

"Sometimes youre the bug and sometimes youre the windshield." So, Im finally back from the NAGA submission grappling tournament, and all I can say about the day is that it was, humbling. Sometimes you need to get guillotine choked in order to see where you need to improve. Moving on now, time to get back to training-

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Book of the Week

More like book of the decade...... Im currently reading "Born to Run" : A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes and the Greatest Race the World has Never Seen. by Christopher McDougall. Seriously, this book will change your entire outlook on running, exercise, pain and LIFE! Im not even a "runner" and I am totally engrossed in this book. A spectacular read......Take my word as I am not a big reader, however it is my resolution to pleasure read more. ok, get the book and we can discuss-

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

NAGA in T-3 days....

Getting fit and tight for the NAGA tournament this saturday. come watch colin and I compete in brazilian jiu jitsu for samurai swords. just a few more days to fine tune those chokes...