My Life In Action.

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Friday, February 4, 2011

Resolutions....Why bother!?

Happy New Year 2011!

So my "New Years Resolution" was to start up this old blog again and here I am February 4, 2011 ready to begin. I figure, most people have given up on their resolutions by now so now is a great time to start! Hallelujah!

I've never really been a fan of resolutions because I just feel as though everyone takes something away from their life......chocoloate, soda, "snacking after dinner/in between meals", porn, facebook, whatever.... Why not, give MORE or try adding something positive? Like holding a door or start a conversation with someone on the T. Just my own personal thoughts. Do what you want as long as it is attainable.

So as the new year has begun, Colin and I have started up a new martial arts gym where we train in Brazialian Jiu-Jitsu. You think Zumba is a good work out? Try getting your ass kicked for 2 hours and trying to figure out why something as little as your fingers are sore the next day. However, there is something empowering about a woman my size being able to take down a 200 lb man. Ok, im off to friday night training...more news to come. Happy weekend.